You imagine,
we construct

People go to beautiful places;
we make places beautiful.

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DH London Construction

It was founded to share our vision of providing high quality services in the construction industry.

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New Build House

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New Extension

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On Time Icon
New Build House

We build dream home once in our whole lifetime; therefore, it must be built in the most efficient and comfortable manner.

Along with choosing a right place, you need to choose a right builder too.

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Skilled plumbers are never cheap and cheap plumbers are never skilled. So, wisely choose the right worker.

This is for the cause that better the plumbing service is in home, the easier will the task be carried at home.

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New Extension

We promise to deliver the best and your demand based infrastructure for your property.

All changes are built in high-end design to give amazing look to your setup.

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Explore more services
What Does Our Training Include

Not only do we provide training but we also offer pre-training calls and after training support.

30 days of Slack support after the course concludes*
Additional Resources and Labs
Welcome email/checklist
One scheduled follow-up call.
Training content made available via Git.

Get in touch with us now!

You can contact us to get the best deals in a very short time.
Our experts will guide you through the process.

Our Projects

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What you get with
DH London Construction

New Build House

We build our dream home once in our whole lifetime; therefore, it must be built in the most efficient and comfortable manner.

new-build-house Get free estimate
New Extension

We promise to deliver the best and your demand based infrastructure for your property.

New Extension Get free estimate
Loft Conversion

Home improvements are always a human fantasy, we transform your fantasy to your reality.

Loft Conversion Get free estimate

Whether a residential or any commercial paving, we offer both the types, keeping your needs and desires in mind along with the latest trends.

Paving Get free estimate
Skimming & Slabs

We work best to skim, coat, cover and finish the surfaces with best efforts and material by ending it as nicely as possible.

Skimming & Slabs Get free estimate
Shop Fittings

We provide complete package of service to best suit your trade ranging from all sorts of outlets from small corner shops to hypermarkets.

Shop Fitting Get free estimate
Electric Work

Yet another type of service is of electric equipment and wirings. The satanic things need to be handled really carefully to avoid dangerous issues.

Electric Work Get free estimate

Skilled plumbers are never cheap and cheap plumbers are never skilled. So, wisely choose the right worker.

Plumbing Get free estimate

To relax, refresh and renew better, choose us as we build bathroom better to wash your worries away.

Bathrooms Get free estimate

Whether commercial or residential tiling services, get the best finishing of your sparkling and dazzling floors with best material.

Tiling Get free estimate
Double Glaze Windows

Much like a woolen clothing, we worry for your warmth with highly efficient double glaze to reduce heat loss.

Double Glaze Windows Get free estimate

What People say about us

Nice Project Delivery from DH London in Slough area. Got the balcony area renovated which is liked by everyone very much. Very satisfied with their work. Highly recommended this installer to everyone.

Ana Finley

I am resident of Wembley and I am very pleased with the changes brought in kitchen and the work carried out to high standard. Installers kept me informed throughout the process and gave good tips too.

Jennie Richards

We recently hired DH London for the renovation of our old shop at east London to get it modified. To our surprise, the after effects of the modification stunned me with its new look.

Dillon Brooks

Being recently shifted to Ealing, I didn't know much about patios and railings. Fortunately, with the help of friends, I reached DH London, who did the latest bathroom renovations with amazing bathroom fittings.

Tom Roberts

We recently hired DH London for the renovation of our old shop at Hounslow to get it modified. To our surprise, the after effects of the modification stunned me with its new look.

Lisa Gilbert
How can we help?