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The most useful thing while constructing or renovating your home is to estimate the costs prior to commencing the work.

We are committed to provide the services to the best level which enhances the reputation of the company. All the credit of the beauty of the work is proudly taken by the brilliant team of the experienced constructors.

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Services we offer

New Build House
We build our dream home once in our whole lifetime; therefore, it must be built in the most efficient and comfortable manner.
New Extension
New Extension
We promise to deliver the best and your demand based infrastructure for your property.
Loft Conversion
Loft Conversion
Home improvements are always a human fantasy, we transform your fantasy to your reality.
Whether a residential or any commercial paving, we offer both the types, keeping your needs and desires in mind along with the latest trends.
Electric Work
Electric Work
Yet another type of service is of electric equipment and wirings. The satanic things need to be handled really carefully to avoid dangerous issues.
Skilled plumbers are never cheap and cheap plumbers are never skilled. So, wisely choose the right worker.
Skimming & Slabs
Skimming & Slabs
We work best to skim, coat, cover and finish the surfaces with best efforts and material by ending it as nicely as possible.
Shop Fitting
Shop Fittings
We provide complete package of service to best suit your trade ranging from all sorts of outlets from small corner shops to hypermarkets.
To relax, refresh and renew better, choose us as we build bathroom better to wash your worries away.
Whether commercial or residential tiling services, get the best finishing of your sparkling and dazzling floors with best material.
Double Glaze Windows
Double Glaze Windows
Much like a woolen clothing, we worry for your warmth with highly efficient double glaze to reduce heat loss.
Get in touch
You can contact us anytime if you have query regarding any of our services.
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DH London Construction

DH London Counstrution provides you the best range of home services.
Contact us

DH London Construction

People go to beautiful places; we make places beautiful. We work to sustainably deliver praiseworthy infrastructure which is vital to the UK.



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Our services

New Build House

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New Extension

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Shop Fittings

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Electric Work

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How it Works


We work with you to find a
suitable location, and to
understand your needs.


Together we'll come up with
some ideas that will work best
for you.


Once your plan is finalized.
our team starts construction
using material that are durabble.


When its time to move- in day
our team will help you to
transition into a new beautiful space.

How can we help?